Red Light, Green Light Transparent Umbrella


This unique Red Light, Green Light Transparent Umbrella not only shields you from the rain but also provides 360-degree visibility, allowing you to enjoy the sky even in wet weather. The dome-shaped canopy showcases Young-Hee's captivating eyes, reminiscent of her motion-sensing abilities in the game. Just like in the show, her gaze adds a touch of suspense to your rainy day excursions.

Equipped with a curved handle for ease and comfort during your walks, this umbrella is a great wardrobe addition for Squid Game enthusiasts looking to make a statement while staying sheltered from the elements.

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French Design

Cinereplicas Trademark

Official Squid Game Netflix License

  • Open diameter: 86 cm
  • Closed size: 83 x 11 x 4cm
  • Materials: 100% POE
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